Apparently, the cattle that reside on Nashawena which is a private island and only a stones throw away from Cuttyhunk thought a dip was a great idea too! I first noticed them upon our approach to the island. At first I thought they were huge boulders on the beach and in the water. I thought,"Wow the tide is really low. Maybe it's a moon tide. I've never noticed that many boulders on that beach before." I took a peek with binoculars...Oh boy, time to visit the optometrist...

Those were cows not rocks! It was so hot that even the cows had no intention of "coming home." They were sunning themselves on the beach and standing up to their chests in the ocean.
Once we negotiated the channel into the harbor and picked up a mooring, Joe went ashore to collect some water for our tanks and to buy a piece of fresh swordfish for dinner.

He'd overheard the captain of the charter fishing boat ask his clients if they planned to attend the bluegrass concert at the Avalon. To any seasoned cruiser this sounded like an opportunity. He brought the fish back to the boat and asked if I knew the whereabouts of the Avalon. I didn't and said, "It can't be too difficult to find the island is so small." We decided to go ashore on a scouting mission. I asked a woman on the dinghy dock if she knew the location of the Avalon. She replied that it was behind the Fishing Club. Now we knew where to go and made our plans for the evening concert.

Dinner was a bit rushed because a thunderstorm that had been forecast since noon arrived just before the table was set. The wind changed direction from the south with a cooling breeze from the north. It blew through rather quickly with a few lightening bolts here and there until the skies brightened with an overdue sunset giving hope for the evening concert.
Beach chairs and a small cooler with a flask of Captain Morgan in Joe's hip pocket were packed and we were off in the dinghy and tied up to the dock within minutes of the storm's passing. The bluegrass band could be heard warming up as we neared the Avalon. There were quite a few locals gathered on the lawn. A pot luck dinner had been organized and the entire shindig was sponsored by the Cuttyhunk Cultural Society.

The band was from Rhode Island and comprised of some fine musicians. Joe and I actually knew a few tunes and were able to sing along with the chorus. The thunder storm that had been in the forecast earlier arrived around 8:30 PM with cloud to ground lightening strikes nearby. Joe said, "Time to go." We packed up our things and walked quickly back to the dinghy dock. By the time we'd arrived it began thundering. I was so glad that we'd bought the new, high speed 15hp engine for the dinghy. We were back in a flash, safe and sound aboard the Simple Life.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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